looking at several photos of custom cavy housing, I decided to modify and
build six "cavy condos" I had seen pictured on the internet. Each
"cavy condo" consists of four shelves 48" long by 24" deep with double
doors that open wide for easy cleaning. Each shelf is 14" high
and the floors are covered with vinyl floor covering. The first level
is 12" from the floor to help eliminate drafts. To discourage the
cavies from leaping to the floor below, 1" x 2" boards were placed across
the front of each level. Two to four cavies are usually housed on
each level of the condo.
single cavies we use the same design with a single door. The size
is 36" long by 18" deep. We have used these cages for more than eight
years. I find they allow the cavies maximum space, light and
ventilation while using minimum floor space.
are very easy to clean. |
clean - the shavings are removed, the floors are washed with vinegar, rinsed
and dried. The old shavings are replaced with fresh. Although,
water bottles are slightly more work, I choose to use them rather than
an automatic watering system as it allows me to monitor the intake of each
cage more closely. Vitamin C crystals are added daily to each water
"cavy condos" are kept in a large area adjacent to the kitchen. It is heated in the winter
and air conditioned in the summer. We find the cavies are most comfortable with
temperatures above 60 but below 70 degrees. We also use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity close to 50%. Overhead fans are used to provide constant air circulation. |
provide unlimited food, water and 2nd cutting grass hay for our pets. I purchase fresh vegetables from
a local restaurant food supplier and give them daily as treats. Each cage has a variety
of toys to keep the cavies occupied so they are less likely to become bored
and begin chewing their coat. |
A few years ago, I decided to provide an outdoor area for more exercise and free grazing.
I built several 10' by 2 ½ ' pens from PVC pipe and plastic
screening and placed them inside a screen house. The cavies are now
allowed to play outside in comfortable weather.
are only used when I am home to watch and protect them from unexpected